Yohjo Simulator
Yohjo Simulator is an Anime, Action-Adventure, and Single-player video game featuring female protagonist developed by DeadFactory and published by Sekai Project. The game takes place from a third-person perspective in the 3D environment, and the story follows the little girl named Yagi, a 3rd-grade elementary school girl. The player does not need to complete any specific goal to advance through the game. In the game, the player can decide the goal for himself/herself and can explore the realistic environment. The player has to greet dangerous strangers with a bow and use wall kicks to reach specific areas. The player moves around the world from a third-person perspective, fight strangers to defeat and jump higher to overcome obstacles. Yohjo Simulator includes prominent features such as Third-person Perspective, Action Gameplay, Anime Character, and more. Check it out, and have fun.
#1 Jackass: The Game
Jackass: The Game is an Action-Adventure, and Single-player Extreme Sports video game developed Sidhe and published by Red Mile Entertainment. The game offers immersive gameplay based on the familiar TV series, titled Jackass. It uses the motion capture technology to replicate the movements of the cast. However, Ryan Dunn didn’t partake in the filming of the motion capture because of him diagnosed with depression. There are forty challenging mini-games available that close to the aspects of both series and the movies. The storyline starts with Jeff Tremaine, who is hospitalized due to suffering a vagina sprain. After that, the crew calls upon the player to step up and complete the role of the director of Jackass. In the game, the ultimate objective of the player is to gather the best footage from up to thirty-six stunts over the course of the game to create a new season. There are two modes for players such as MTV Story Mode and Episodes. Johnny Knoxville, Ryan Dunn, Steve-O, Preston Lacy, Dave England, Ehren Mc Ghehey, and more are playable characters.