Yohjo Simulator
Yohjo Simulator is an Anime, Action-Adventure, and Single-player video game featuring female protagonist developed by DeadFactory and published by Sekai Project. The game takes place from a third-person perspective in the 3D environment, and the story follows the little girl named Yagi, a 3rd-grade elementary school girl. The player does not need to complete any specific goal to advance through the game. In the game, the player can decide the goal for himself/herself and can explore the realistic environment. The player has to greet dangerous strangers with a bow and use wall kicks to reach specific areas. The player moves around the world from a third-person perspective, fight strangers to defeat and jump higher to overcome obstacles. Yohjo Simulator includes prominent features such as Third-person Perspective, Action Gameplay, Anime Character, and more. Check it out, and have fun.
#1 Garry’s Mod
Garry’s Mod is a Single and Multiplayer Physics-based Sandbox video game by Valve Corporation. Initially, Garry’s Mod was a Mod for Valve Corporation’s popular title Half-Life 2, but later on, it was made into the most amazing Standalone game back in 2006. From then on, Gary’s Mod is available to play on Microsoft Windows and a bunch of other platforms such as Linux and OS X. The gameplay of Gary’s Mod is all about Physics as it allows the players to enjoy exploring the world without any set rules and objectives, and enjoy the freedom to manipulate Ragdolls and various types of Props such as Dumpsters, Furniture, Shipping Containers and loads of other environmental objects. The game provides the players with a “Physics Gun” that helps the player pick up Objects such as Ragdolls and Props, Rotate them, or freeze them in place, or simply place them in the Sandbox form with the help of Installed or Player created collections of Source Engines (PHX3 or others). However, the another great item of “Tool Gun” helps the players perform multiple types of tasks such as Use it to hold the Props together, Create various types of Interactive and Clickable buttons, Winches and Wheels to transfer the Props from one place to another. With a unique and modified Source Engine known as Havok Physics Engine at the core, Gary’s Mode lets the players enjoy playing with the Laws of Physics and enjoy real Simulations and do some nasty experiments to satisfy the inner mad scientist. Gary’s Mod offers free access to the users to use the Source Engine and create amazing content for the game such as Spawn models, maps, tools, vehicles, and enjoy it all in the amazing Multiplayer gaming mode. The creators announce a sequel to Gary’s Mod and it will soon be available in the markets. Hopefully, the sequel will be as amazing as Gary’s Mod itself and will offer loads of hours of endless entertainment to all the hardcore fans around the globe.