Supipara is an Adventure, Anime, Visual Novel, and Single-player video game developed by Minori and published by MangaGamer. The game takes place in the beautiful world, where when the trees of cherry come into full bloom, then the protagonist named Yukinari Sanada has returned to his homeland, Kamakura City after seven years. Upon arrival, the protagonist is greeted by his older cousin named as Sakura Narumi. According to the plot, the player wanted to live in peace, but his life is placed on the coastlands becomes awesome while surrounded by a cast of girls. The game features the original storyline and lets the player read the dialogues between characters and make decisions to advance through the story. There are multiple endings, and each depends on the actions that the player takes during the gameplay. Supipara includes prominent features such as Anime Characters, Choice Matter Gameplay, Multiple Endings, Several Standalone Episodes, and more.
#1 Heaven’s Vault
Heaven’s Vault is an Adventure, Story Rich, Choices Matter, and Single-player video game created and published by Inkle Ltd. The game lets the player control the protagonist, an archaeologist named Aliya Elasra and set out him on an epic journey to a strange region of space, known as the Nebula with his robot. Along the journey, the player needs to find the secrets of the long-forgotten past. According to the plot, a roboticist from the University goes missing, and the protagonist is called to investigate the cast and find discoveries that will lead her to the edge of the world. In the game, the player navigates the environment from a third-person viewpoint, and he aims to interact with the environment and objects to advance through the game to become the master. There are several challenging levels, and each requires the completion of a set of tasks to uncover further content. Heaven’s Vault offers prominent features such as Open World Environment, Explore Ancient Sites, Find Artifacts, Solve Mysteries, and more.