Supipara is an Adventure, Anime, Visual Novel, and Single-player video game developed by Minori and published by MangaGamer. The game takes place in the beautiful world, where when the trees of cherry come into full bloom, then the protagonist named Yukinari Sanada has returned to his homeland, Kamakura City after seven years. Upon arrival, the protagonist is greeted by his older cousin named as Sakura Narumi. According to the plot, the player wanted to live in peace, but his life is placed on the coastlands becomes awesome while surrounded by a cast of girls. The game features the original storyline and lets the player read the dialogues between characters and make decisions to advance through the story. There are multiple endings, and each depends on the actions that the player takes during the gameplay. Supipara includes prominent features such as Anime Characters, Choice Matter Gameplay, Multiple Endings, Several Standalone Episodes, and more.
#1 The Red Strings Club
The Red Strings Club is an Adventure, Point-and-Click, and Single-player video game developed by Deconstructeam and published by Devolver Digital for Multiple Platforms. The game provides the player with a cyberpunk narrative experience regarding fate and happiness which introducing the extensive use of pottery, impersonating and bartending people on the phone to take down a conspiracy. It takes place in a cyberpunk-themed world, in which the devices in people have become a commonplace as a way to modify the physical features and mental functions of anyone. However, the game itself revolves around three main playable characters such as Brandeis (a human and a freelance hacker), Akara-184 (an android), and Donovan (an implant less human). The game introduces unique gameplay and a unique story for each character to explore. In the game, the player can move across the world from a side-scroll perspective, and his main objective is to examine a set of goals, interact with NPCs, and advance through the storyline to solve the mystery. The Red Strings Club includes key features such as Cyberpunk Thriller Narrative, Psychological Bartending, Genetic Implant Pottery, Vocal Corporate Espionage, and more.