Super Robot Wars W
Super Robot Wars W is an Adventure, Tactical, RPG, and Single-player video game developed by Banpresto. Throughout the game, the player takes on the role of a protagonist named Kazuma Ardygun, who has to become a great Trailer like his father. All the missions have dialogue segments that advance the story for the current mission and relates it to the previous missions.
The game uses a top-down map, and the map uses particular icons to represent various units. The allied units are blue on the playfield, whereas the enemies are in red. The player uses the directional pad and buttons to move around the map, select units, and make commands. When two units engage in battle, the battle sequence displays on the top of the screen.
The bottom screen shows the stats of the attacker and defender in percentages. The game includes the combo attack system for huge damage to the enemies. The game’s core features are Attacking and Defending Percentages, Multiple Units, Maps, and Directional Pad Controller.
#1 Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Dissidia: Final Fantasy is an Action-Adventure, RPG, and Single-player video game developed by Square Enix. During the game, the player takes on the role of a fighter and fights against ruthless opponents. The game has offered the player to customize the characters with equipment and weapons. The player can gain experience points through battles, and high XPs can improve the character’s rank.
The player’s aim is to reduce the opponent’s HP to zero and becomes the winner. The player’s offensive power displays on the screen in numeric points called bravery points. The player can steal bravery points from the opponents by attacking him with the primary attack mode and gain the upper hand. The player can use the HP attack to cause direct damage to their opponent.
After using one HP attack, the character’s bravery points get reduced to zero and gradually recovers. The player has an EX Gauge, which can be filled in many different ways, such as inflicting damage on opponents, obtaining EX cores scattered around the battlefield, etc.