Super Robot Wars W
Super Robot Wars W is an Adventure, Tactical, RPG, and Single-player video game developed by Banpresto. Throughout the game, the player takes on the role of a protagonist named Kazuma Ardygun, who has to become a great Trailer like his father. All the missions have dialogue segments that advance the story for the current mission and relates it to the previous missions.
The game uses a top-down map, and the map uses particular icons to represent various units. The allied units are blue on the playfield, whereas the enemies are in red. The player uses the directional pad and buttons to move around the map, select units, and make commands. When two units engage in battle, the battle sequence displays on the top of the screen.
The bottom screen shows the stats of the attacker and defender in percentages. The game includes the combo attack system for huge damage to the enemies. The game’s core features are Attacking and Defending Percentages, Multiple Units, Maps, and Directional Pad Controller.
#1 Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories is a Tactical, Turn-Based, RPG, and Single-player video game developed by Nippon Ichi Software. Throughout the game, the player takes on the role of a protagonist named who has to explore story maps and completes side quests. The game has 13 main chapters where the player must complete all the chapters, and each of the chapters has a new area for exploration.
Each area consists of multiple obstacles, and the player must beat every obstacle to advance the next chapter. The player can repeat the completed maps by talking to the gatekeeper of the palace. The game shows scenes at the beginning and end of each chapter, but a player can proceed after skipping.
The item world mode allows the player to select any item and enter the world. The levels within this world are random, but the difficulty of enemies depends on the item’s power. The player has two options to progress through the world, such as by defeating all enemies or by using exit portals scattered through the levels.