Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is a Single-player Role-playing video game. The game is set in the Star Wars Universe and the story takes places four thousand years before the Galactic Empire. The story revolves around the player character who escapes his ship with a skilled pilot named as Carth Onasi soon after the attack of a former Jedi and now a Dark Lord named as Darth Malak. Soon after their escape this ship crashes on a planet Taris, where a martial law gets imposed by Darth Malak in search of a skilled Jedi Padawan Bastilla Shan. Player character finds other Jedis on Taris and finds Shan before Darth Malak and rescues her from the clutches of a swoop biker gang and escapes Taris before the imminent destruction. Player character takes refuge in a Jedi Academy on the planet Dantooine and learns to be a Jedi, finds the lost Star Map and knows about the Star Forge, the ultimate source of Darth Malak’s military power and resources. This is where the player gets into the play and the game tasks the player to find the truth about his/her identity, find and save the Darth Raven, save him and destroy the Star Forge. With all the dramatic story and thrilling events, blasting encounters and a typically Star Wars influenced gameplay, fantastic visuals and a remarkable characters, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is one of the best games of the series.
#1 The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings developed by Polish Studios, CD Projekt Red and published by Atari, Inc., Badnai Namco Games and CyberFront in the same year of 2011. This super addicting game is a sequel to The Witcher and is packed with great Action-Adventure, RPG and intense Hack and Slash elements. The game is based on the story from a novel written by a Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. From its first appearance in the market to the present day, this game is a real success. Graphics, game-play and story-line is quite to its predecessor. With an open world gaming environment, Stealth mode, tons of new content and bug fixes, this game attracts the players a lot. The Witcher, genetically mutated Geralt takes you to an amazing land of wonders. Battles with monsters and humans and their extremely disastrous super powers are a key element in the success of the game. Playing this game won’t cost you a bit of tiredness and make you feel sorry for your precious time. Give it a try and experience an extremely engaging and thrilling nature of the game.