Rabi-Ribi is an Action-Adventure, Anime, Metroidvania, Side-scroll, and Single-player Shoot ‘em up video game developed by CreSpirit and published by Sekai Project. The game takes place in the thrilling environment and offers a well-written story revolves around the female protagonist named as Erina, whose is a rabbit and her life is turned down, when she discovers herself in the strange world and transformed into a human with rabbit ears. Along the way, the protagonist interact with pink-haired fairy, mysterious creatures and Ribbon, who selects to stay by the side of the protagonist. The game sets out all the heroes on an epic quest to restore the life of Erina. It mainly focuses on 2D platformer, exploration and shoot ‘em up elements that offers non-linear gameplay. The player can explore the land from a side-scroll view, battle enemies and can smash them before they smash the player or fend off him or her to fulfill the tasks. There are four different difficulty settings and the game offers more than nine areas and over twenty subareas to navigate. More than sixty items and upgrades can be used by the player while exploring the world. Rabi-Ribi includes core features such as 20 illustrate Characters, 40 Boss Battles, 100 Attack Patterns, Upgrades and more. Try it out.
#1 Naruto: Ninja Council 3
Naruto: Ninja Council 3 is an Anime, Action, Side-scroll, and Single-player video game for Nintendo DS, developed by Aspect Co., Ltd and published by Tomy Corporation. The game is based on the famous TV series, Naruto and puts the player in the role of the protagonist. It follows the variety of missions that are played out on the TV series, and the game delivers amazing ninja actions for one to four players. It lets the player to battle his way through a variety of levels against enemies. There are several playable characters, including Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and newly included characters. The player chooses his favourite character to master the ninja arts and struggle to complete assigned missions with increasing difficulty. During the fight, the player can attack, defeat, and defend by training a ninja and make it perfect his techniques as the player advance through the ranks. With addictive gameplay, superb mechanics, and stunning visuals, Naruto: Ninja Council 3 is the best game to play.