Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity


Games Like Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity for PC

#1 Psychonauts


Psychonauts is another super addictive Action-Adventure, Interactive-Drama and Puzzle-platform video game. The game revolves around the character of a young Psych named Razputin who starts up his journey of becoming a Psychonaut. In order to achieve the goals, you’ll have to help Razputin break into the Psychonaut’s training center, make a place for yourself there, defeat the enigmatic villain who have kidnapped your fellow campers. It is now your duty to free your fellow campers by the use of your special abilities and psychic powers. You must focus on telekinesis, levitation and project yourself into the minds of the enemies, fight them off, sabotage their facilities and eventually free your friends. Psychonauts offers an amazingly twisted game-play, a great story to follow along with amazing visuals and a lot of other great things.


#2 Beyond Good and Evil


Beyond Good and Evil is a Sci-Fi Action-Adventure, RPG and Stealth-based video game developed and published by Ubisoft for multiple platforms like PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360 and Nintendo GameCube. The story of the game revolves around the protagonist named as Jade who tries to search for evidence in different installations about a war with aliens. She roams in an open world and solves puzzles to reach the areas with photographic evidence about the incident. On her way to the installations, she encounters the enemies and engages in combats with them using her combat staff in melee attacks against the enemies. The story of Beyond Good and Evil is a super best combination of Sci-Fi, Action-Adventure and RPG elements. With a great story-line and enhanced graphics, Beyond Good and Evil offers a fantastic game-play experience. Do give it a try.