Phantasy Star Online
Phantasy Star Online combines the elements of Massively Multiplayer Online, Role-playing, and Action developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega. The game supports both Single and Multiplayer modes and it is the first entry in the series of Phantasy Star Online. It deals with hack and slash elements and lets the player select his character from different character classes and dive into the game world where he has to face lots of difficulties and challenges. It takes place in the fictional world and offers an exciting story, in which the Pioneer Project starts a journey to locate a new homeland after the destruction of his planet. The player can explore the game world from third-person and it has to complete a series of challenging tasks, in which he must find the reason behind his planet’s destruction and accomplish quests to earn experience points. The game becomes challenging as the player gain experience. With well-written story, superb gameplay, and brilliant mechanics, Phantasy Star Online is the best game to play and enjoy.
#1 Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight is a Role-playing, Combat and Single-player video game published and developed by Atlus for Nintendo 3DS. It is the marvelous entry in the series of Etrian Odyssey. It has two different modes such as Story and Classic and the game includes five playable characters (Fafnir Knight, Flavio, Arianna Caledonia, etc.) and lets you choose one of them to start your game. There are a variety of levels divided into three difficulty settings such as Easy, Normal and Hard. Control your character throughout various levels and compete against enemies to defeat and earn points. The game takes place in the fictional world filled with monsters and other creatures. Participate in turn-based combat and train your monster to fight against AI characters and earn XP points to enhance his abilities. During battle, you can select your option from Attack, Skills, Defend, Items, Switch and more. Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight is the wonderful game for those players who love playing Role-playing games. Try it out.