Oninaki is an Anime, Action, RPG, Hack-and-Slash, and Single-player video game offered by Tokyo RPG Factory. During the gameplay, the player assumes the role of a protagonist named Watcher Kagachi, whose main objective is to reveal the hidden secrets of his past life and battles with the monsters that are famous as the Fallen.
While exploring the world, the player views the environments and surroundings with an isometric angle, and the games take place in the two different planes, such as The Living World and The Beyond. The game offers both story mode and optional quests for the player with lots of enemies in the dungeon environment and having an epic boss at the end of the area.
The protagonist will find salves which will recover the character’s health, upgrade artifacts, and lock-free the new weapons. As the player defeats more fallen, the game reward more experience points to the player through which he can improve his basic statics. The player can select any area from the world map for combat with spirit weapons named Daemons.
At the start, the player owns only sword daemon and grabs more daemons in the battle-field. Every daemon contains significant weapon ability, such as scythes, axes, and spears. An affinity meter will increase the attacking power and defending skills by utilizing the daemons. The game has core features, such as Several Daemons, Dangerous Fallen, Isometric Angle, Two Planes, World Wide Map, and Affinity Meter.
#1 Iron Snout
Iron Snout is an Action, Combo-based, and Single-player Fighting video game released by Snoutup Games. It offers action-packed and fast-paced gameplay and lets you control the protagonist who is a pig and puts you against different enemies on a variety of levels. Your primary goal is to perform plenty of action moves in the battle against wolf and take down them to score the highest points. Your character can punch, kick, slam, catch, uppercut, throw, etc. Learn new moves by defeating a set of enemies to enhance your abilities and immerse yourself in side-scroll fighting experience. To unlock other levels, you must collect enough points and gain experience. As you progress through the game, it becomes challenging and can face more powerful enemies. Iron Snout offers prominent features such as Touch Controls, Fight against foes using their Weapons and body Parts, charming Graphics, addictive Soundtracks, Fighting Combos, and more. Try it out, and you’ll enjoy it.