Misty Blue
Misty Blue is an Adventure, Anime, Visual Novel, and Single-player video game revolves around a young musician who returns to Japan after having spent four years aboard. In the protagonist’s life, things don’t go smoothly, and Kazuya quarrels with the music producer who doesn’t appreciate his talent. Everything becomes worse when the producer discovered a dead after their quarrel, and the protagonist becomes a murder suspect. The game offers the mystery-themed gameplay where the puzzle doesn’t exist. However, the gameplay much differs from other traditional Japanese adventure games. Most gameplay is played by reading the conversation between characters, during which the player has to select dialogue options. There are multiple endings, depending on the actions taken by the player during the play. There are many stages, and the player needs to accomplish each one and experience the story-driven gameplay. The main objective of the player is to prove himself innocent by interrogating the case of the producer, gathering clues, and interrogating the suspects. With a compelling storyline, addictive gameplay, and smooth controls, Misty Blue is one of the best adventure games.
#1 Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Ninja Gaiden Sigma is an Action-Adventure, Fighting, Single-player, and Multiplayer video game developed by Team Ninja. Throughout the game, the player controls the main protagonist named Ryu Hayabusa, who comes across dangerous monsters and villains. The character can interact with the environment to perform actions, such as running and jumping off walls, swinging on the poles, or run on the water surface.
The game world has several regions where most of the game exists in the city of Tairon. The fighter can gain access to these regions by fighting enemies, finding keys, or solving puzzles. All the game has challenging puzzles and dangerous enemies to defeat. The character will move as the player moves the gamepad.
The left thumbstick allows the player to roam, and right placed buttons are used for distinctive purposes. The game has many characters, and the player has to gain access to every character. The game has the character with magical spells in the form of ninpo spells. As the player activates these spells, it makes the character cast fireballs, ice storms, or lightning bolts.