Misty Blue
Misty Blue is an Adventure, Anime, Visual Novel, and Single-player video game revolves around a young musician who returns to Japan after having spent four years aboard. In the protagonist’s life, things don’t go smoothly, and Kazuya quarrels with the music producer who doesn’t appreciate his talent. Everything becomes worse when the producer discovered a dead after their quarrel, and the protagonist becomes a murder suspect. The game offers the mystery-themed gameplay where the puzzle doesn’t exist. However, the gameplay much differs from other traditional Japanese adventure games. Most gameplay is played by reading the conversation between characters, during which the player has to select dialogue options. There are multiple endings, depending on the actions taken by the player during the play. There are many stages, and the player needs to accomplish each one and experience the story-driven gameplay. The main objective of the player is to prove himself innocent by interrogating the case of the producer, gathering clues, and interrogating the suspects. With a compelling storyline, addictive gameplay, and smooth controls, Misty Blue is one of the best adventure games.
#1 ActRaiser
ActRaiser is a mix of City-Building, Platform, and Simulation developed by Quintet and published by Enix. The game offers the traditional side-scroll platforming gameplay with urban god game elements. The story revolves around the creature called the Master in his battle against Tanzra, referred to as an Evil. According to the booklet, the protagonist was taken down in the battle with an evil and his six lieutenants. He is retreated to his six palaces to tend his wounds and fell into a deep sleep. In the absence of Master, an evil split the world where the game takes place split into six lands and start turning people into evil. After hundreds of years, the Masker awakens from his deep sleep and finds out that he has lost his powers due to lack of belief. As the story progresses, the Master struggles to take down the lieutenants and restores his power by reconstructing the civilizations of people and interacting with them to solve other issues. ActRaiser includes prominent features, old-school graphics, and brilliant sound effects.