Metroid is the series of Action-Adventure, Science-Fiction and Platform video games created and published by Nintendo. The series follows the protagonist, a bounty hunter named as Samus Aran, who defend the galaxy from the brutal space pirates and their struggle to damage the power of the Metroid. The series combines platform element of Super Mario Bros, and exploration component from The Legend of Zelda with emphasis on non-linear gameplay. It contains up to 12 games available to play on Nintendo platform. The player assumes the role of the protagonist and his primary objective is to explore the environment, fight against enemies using weapons and take down them to save the land. The environment is explored by the player from a first-person perspective. The series consists of Metroid, Metroid II: Return of Samus, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, etc. Metroid offers core features such as detailed Environment, Power-ups, challenging Missions, and more. With impressive gameplay, space setting, smooth controls, and engaging graphics, Metroid is the best game to play and enjoy.
#1 Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron
Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron is an Action-Adventure, Third-person Shooter, Single and Multiplayer video game created by Rebellion Developments and published by LucasArts. It is the marvelous title in the series of Star Wars: Battlefront game and available to play on PSP and Nintendo DS. The game enables the player to take part in combat in space, in land-based vehicles or on foot. The player can get into capital ship and fight against enemies inside on foot, once the shields are down. During the storyline, the player controls the protagonist, a clone trooper known as X2, who was created from the Jedi Master’s DNA. The player must manipulate the world from a third-person perspective, train a clone army and battle against Jedi with his clone brother named as X1. There are several playable characters are available such as The Emperor, Darth Maul, Boba Fett, Luke Skywalker, Kit Fisto, etc. With superb mechanics, addictive gameplay, and brilliant mechanics, Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron is the best game to play and enjoy.