MechWarrior is an Action-adventure, Vehicular Combat, Single and Multiplayer video game series developed by Piranha Games Inc. The game takes place in the fictional universe and allows you to get into a single Battle mech. The game comprises a set of missions and lets you complete each one by fighting against armor, tanks, infantry and other BattleMechs. You can explore the game world from a third-person perspective and can use different firearms and other weapons. Defeat your enemies and earn experience points that you can use to unlock an added level, features and weapons. The series has multiple games such as MechWarrior, MechWarrior 2, MechWarrior 3, MechWarrior 3, and more. Upgrade your Mech with deadly weapons and show you skills. The game offers a detailed environment filled with different challenges you’ll face during the gameplay. With the best mechanics, engaging gameplay and superb controls, MechWarrior is the best series to play and enjoy.
#1 Front Mission
Front Mission is a Tactical Role-playing, Single and Multiplayer video game created and published by Square Enix. It is the first installment in the series of Front Mission, and the story centers on various characters and their efforts involving mechs called Wanzers. The game offers linear gameplay such as cut-event scenes, accomplish objectives, install wanzers during missions, and more. To get into the world, the player has to select his character and must manipulate the new location on a point and click map. As the player advanced, new locations including characters are revealed in the game. The game world comprises towns, cities, and villages. It offers turn-based combat and lets the player use units called wanzers, on his run for ruining the enemies. There is a set of the levels, and each level needs a completion of certain objectives. The game becomes difficult to play, as the player gain experience. With brilliant gameplay, excellent mechanics, and addictive Story, Front Mission is the best game to play and enjoy.