LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is an Action-Adventure, Single-player and Multiplayer video game with Open world elements created by Traveller’s Tales and published by Feral Interactive. The game introduces the similar gameplay to other Lego entries such as Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Sega and more. It is a mix of puzzle, and action-adventure elements. There are different super heroes available such as Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Silver Surfer, and more. The player can select one of them to jump into the game world where he has to fight against villains to save the world from devastation and complete a set of missions to earn points. Each superhero has its unique skills and abilities that he can use to take down foes to progress in the game. The game takes place in the beautiful Marvel Universe. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes offers prominent features such as many Superheroes, Customization, Exciting Story, Immersive Gameplay, and more. Try it out.
#1 Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 is an Action-Adventure, Single-player and Multiplayer video game developed by Traveller’s Tale and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The game takes place in the Lego-themed world, and it serves as the third installment and the sequel to Lego Marvel Super Heroes of the Lego Franchise. The core gameplay follows the same style of the previous titles, and the game introduces the ability to modify the time and four-player competitive battle mode. The epic storyline of the game revolves around superheroes from different realities and eras of the Marvel Universe as the superheroes battle against the time-travelling bad guys Kang the Conqueror in the fight around the time and space. The game is played from a third-person viewpoint and introduces the similar gameplay to its predecessors. The ability to change the time has enabled the player directly from the new open environment of Chronopolis. There are several challenging levels, and the player needs to complete each one to become the master. With the detailed atmosphere, superb mechanics, and stunning graphics, Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 is the wonderful game to play.