Hiveswap revolves around Episodic Adventure gameplay, developed and published by What Pumpkin Games. The plot follows the girl, who is accidentally shifted to the strange planet of Alternia, the home of the troll species. It serves as one of two video games, with the 2nd titled Hauntswitch, introducing the male troll, who was swapped on the planet of Earth. The game tells the storyline of the human girl, named as Joe Claire gets swapped in her place from the troll named as Dammek from the strange planet Alternia, as she struggles to get back to the planet Earth. The player controls the character using the point-and-click interface throughout a variety of levels to complete a series of objectives. The game becomes difficult to play, and other levels will be unlocked as the player advances through it. The main job of the player is to complete the requirements of each level and find way to back home. With an immersive gameplay, stunning visuals, and smooth controls, Hiveswap is the wonderful game to enjoy.
#1 The Last Door
The Last Door is a Horror, Point-and-Click, Adventure, and Single-player video game developed by The Game Kitchen. During the gameplay, the player gets control over a character whose main mission is to move through multiple locations and solve many puzzles. The game has four episodes, and every episode has various puzzles that put the player in trouble.
While inspecting the game’s world, the player views the environment from the third-person perspective. Each episode starts with many locked areas, and the keys can unlock these areas. The bottom of the screen keeps an inventory where the player can combine items occasionally, and a magnifying glass gives descriptions of each item acquired by the character.
The puzzles of the game are not very complicated, where the player has to find out three or more objects to pass the stage. The core features of the game are Addictive Gameplay, Many Puzzles, Four Episodes, and Simple Controls.
#2 The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit is a Graphic Adventure and Single-player video game created by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Square Enix for Multiple Platforms. The game’s story revolves around a young boy named Chris Eriksen, who makes the superhero to deal with the loss of his beloved mother. It takes place in the same universe as the Life Is Strange video game series, three years after the original game’s event. In the game, the player takes the protagonist’s role, a young boy to projects his imagination onto the reality using the alter ego, Captain Spirit. The costume of the protagonist is customizable, and the player can interact with the environment to complete a set of challenging quests which deal with treasure hunting and navigation an imagined planet. It offers dialogue trees, used to respond to NPCs. The choices that the player makes during the gameplay will have consequences in the video game Life Is Strange 2. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit offers exciting gameplay, smooth graphics, and brilliant controls.