Hiveswap revolves around Episodic Adventure gameplay, developed and published by What Pumpkin Games. The plot follows the girl, who is accidentally shifted to the strange planet of Alternia, the home of the troll species. It serves as one of two video games, with the 2nd titled Hauntswitch, introducing the male troll, who was swapped on the planet of Earth. The game tells the storyline of the human girl, named as Joe Claire gets swapped in her place from the troll named as Dammek from the strange planet Alternia, as she struggles to get back to the planet Earth. The player controls the character using the point-and-click interface throughout a variety of levels to complete a series of objectives. The game becomes difficult to play, and other levels will be unlocked as the player advances through it. The main job of the player is to complete the requirements of each level and find way to back home. With an immersive gameplay, stunning visuals, and smooth controls, Hiveswap is the wonderful game to enjoy.
#1 Edna and Harvey: Harvey’s New Eyes
Edna and Harvey: Harvey’s New Eyes is a Graphic Adventure and Single-player video game by Daedalic Entertainment for Cross Platform. It is the sequel to Edna and Harvey: The Breakout and takes place in the 2D cartoon world like its previous title. In the game, the player assumes the role of Lilli (the protagonist). Unlike the other adventure video games, it has no clickable dialogues. A bar will appear with some symbols as the player clicks on the character, indicating a subject. It neither has a list of actions, including Pick up, Interacts, Walk, Explore, and Use. Items in the game are automatically included to the player’s inventory when the player clicks on them. Moreover, the player can mix objects to create a new one. The story starts in a boarding school controlled by a female convent order. The main character in the game is a shy and insecure cute girl who is not daring to speak in public. There are several levels, and the player needs to accomplish each one to move forward. With immersive gameplay, superb mechanics, and cool graphics, Edna and Harvey: Harvey’s New Eye is the best game to play.