Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is an Anime-based, Action-Adventure, and Single-player video game developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment. It is a marvelous installment in the series of Fullmetal Alchemist and offers an improved mechanics, gameplay, and controls. The story revolves around two brothers who are alchemists, struggling to bring their beloved mother back from the dead, who is suffering from a horrifying disease. In the beginning, the player can customize his character using various options and can earn upgrades, special abilities, and powers by completing the challenges. The battle takes place in different areas where the player has an ability to show off his spectacular skills, use his strategies to level up and can use a particular combination of attack with his partner. In Multiplayer mode, the player can play up to four players or compete in co-op mode via Wi-Fi. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood includes core features such as Combination Attacks, Battle against Fellows, Deep Alchemy Battles, and more. Try it out.
#1 Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2 is an Action, Role-playing, Fighting, Single-player and Multiplayer video game developed by Dimps and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. The game serves as the sequel to Dragon Ball: Xenoverse and offers the similar gameplay to its predecessor. It takes place in the three-dimensional world called Canton City. There are several characters available from which you can select one of them to start your battle against powerful enemies like Frieza and more. You can navigate the environment from a third-person perspective and can use special moves to take down enemies within no time. Each character in the game has its unique skills and abilities that you can use to defeat foes. The story starts after two years of the first title, and the primary character receives a severe mission from Elder Kai, which involves retrieving history after it has altered. As the story progresses, the game becomes tough to accomplish. With prominent features, addictive gameplay, and smooth controls, Dragon Ball: Xenoverse is the best game to play and enjoy.
#2 BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle by Arc System Works, is an Anime, 2D Fighter, Pixel Graphics, Single-player and Multiplayer video game for Microsoft Windows. The game enables the player to select his team in the fast-paced 2v2 team battles full of crazies and action the player has come to love from the original game, with all the excellent mechanics, engaging gameplay, and brilliant 2D graphics the player expect from this game. The game introduces the huge cast of balanced characters and offers quick and Kinect gameplay style. It starts with the player selecting his character from available to jump into the battle where he needs to take down a team of two characters at any cost to move in the next level. Both characters in the game have a health gauge, and the player must struggle to decrease the health gauge to zero to win. The battle is played using a side-scroll perspective, and the player can use the special moves and power attacks of his selected character in the fight to defeat the opponent. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle includes core features such as Under Night In-Birth, Fighting Gameplay, Balanced Characters, and more.