Eufloria is a Physics-based Action-Adventure, Puzzle-Platform and Sci-Fi video game by Omni Systems Limited. Set in a revolutionary space world, Eufloria features the protagonist who assumes the role of a Commander of different interstellar beings called Euflorians. Euflorians collect their resources from the asteroids and the commander uses different units of Euflorians to solve different Puzzles and connect the asteroids by the Seedlings grown on the trees of Dyson. Seedlings, on asteroids grow with the time and produce more Dyson Trees and the Dyson Trees produce more seedlings with different qualities and abilities. The commander collects all the flowers, defensive trees and other created units to use them as their defenses against the enemies. The game offers a marvelous blend of RTS and Action-Adventure, Puzzle-Platform elements along with eye-catching graphics, unique and easy user interface and countless other great features.
#1 Dino Frontier
Dino Frontier is a Strategy, and Single-player Simulation developed and published by Uber Entertainment for PlayStation 4. Takes place in the beautiful world, in which the player can create and manage a frontier settlement in the beautiful land where the Jurassic and Wild West collide. In the game, the player assumes the role of the protagonist, Big Mayor who is overlooking the settlement in tabletop scale Virtual Reality. While playing the game, the player must balance the resources and attempt to grow the town to become advance through the game. The game sees dinosaurs freely roam the environment acting as both tantalizing asset and dangerous foe. Start creating a world where everything is fresh and surprising. In the game, the player navigates the situation from a first-person viewpoint and can use drag and drop system to place one thing to another location. It introduces a day/night system which makes the game bit realistic. In the created structures, the player should place humans and let them gather resources for him and perform other tasks to advance.