Eragon is an Action-Adventure, Hack and Slash, Single and Multiplayer video game created by Strom Front Studios and published by Sierra Entertainment. Eragon movie inspires the game, and it combines the element of combat, third-person shooter, and exploration. According to the story, the protagonist finds a mysterious stone during hunting. He keeps it and thinks that it can be sold. The blue stone actually an egg of a dragon. After some time a dragon baby appears from an egg and the protagonist names the dragon Saphira. The King orders his servant to explore the Eragon’s village and find the dragon. After searching, they killed the protagonist’s uncle and burned his home. The protagonist decided to take revenge from King and he set out on an adventure with his dragon. There are different levels, and each level has a set of challenges, hurdles, traps, and missions. The player has to complete each one, earn experience points that he can use to unlock further weapons and equipment. Slaughter foes that come in the player’s way and dominate the world. With superb graphics, brilliant mechanics, and addictive gameplay, Eragon is the best game to play and enjoy.
#1 Fantasy Life
Fantasy Life is a wonderful Virtual World video game for all the Life Simulation and community based game enthusiasts out there. This cool game is packed with a huge amount of characters, customization and class options, beautiful visuals, a huge open world, a lot of quests to go on and enjoy. Fantasy Life is set in the beautifully created world of Reveria and lets you explore, be any one (Alchemist, Carpenter, Blacksmith, Hunter, Magician, miner, Paladin etc.) and get connected to your character relevant field, build, craft, mine or do whatever you want. “Fantasy Life” is all about your personal experiences in a virtual world and it allows you to spend your time into some of the best productive and creative activities along with your online friends and enjoy your life.