Digimon World
Digimon World is a Virtual Pet, and Role-playing game with both Single-player and Multiplayer modes developed and published by Bandai. The story revolves around a human, reached to File City on the tropical Island to rescue the Island. It takes place on an Island populated with Digimon, who have been losing their memories and becoming feral. The island has fallen into disarray and required a hero. The player assumes the role of the protagonist, a young boy, who must explore the Island and help the Digimon to recover their memories to save the City. In the game, the player can raise a single Digimon from its egg, train it and participate in multiple tournaments to compete against other trainers to win the trophy. To raise the pet, the player must feed it, let it rest, take it to a bathroom and train it. During the battle, the pet fights against another Digimon and become aggressive due to the crisis on the fictional Island. There are lots of levels, and the player must score the highest points to become the master. With core features, addictive gameplay, and prominent features, Digimon World is the excellent game to play.
#1 Monster Rancher
Monster Rancher is a Strategy, Single and Multiplayer Life Simulation created and published by Tecmo. It is the first game in the series of Monster Rancher. The game revolves around breeding, raising, and fighting. It takes place in the fantasy-themed world populated with different monsters. Each monster has its unique skills, power, and abilities. Your main goal is to select your monster, take care of them by feeding, breeding, and training. One day, your monster will turn into fighting machines. Explore the game world, fight against other trainers using your monsters and defeat them to level-up. Play as the solo or against other players in multiplayer mode your main task is to prove yourself as the best trainer around the globe. You can play with your monsters different games and can earn hit points that you can use to unlock further content. With the stunning environment, immersive gameplay and superb mechanics, Monster Rancher is the superb game to play and enjoy.