Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony is an Adventure, Visual Novel and Single-player video game created and published by Spike Chunsoft. The game serves as the third installment in the series of Danganronpa and brings a thrilling storyline revolves around the female protagonist, a high school student named as Kaede Akamatsu, who is abducted and finds herself in the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles. During the exploration, the player will discover fellow students including Shuichi Saihara. The gameplay is similar to its previous titles, and the ultimate task of the player is to manipulate the land, interact with non-player characters to progress through the game until coming across a brutal murder. After that, the player needs to gather evidence for the murder and use in the class rail. Like previous entries, the game focuses on endless debate, in which the player discusses the case with other NPCs and struggle to fulfill the requirement of each case while earning experience. Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony offers prominent features such as Murder Mysteries, Detailed Debate, new Mini-Games, and more.
#1 Catherine
Catherine is a Single and multiplayer Puzzle Platformer and Adventure video game by Atlus. The game features the character of the protagonist named as Vincent Brooks who begins to have distorted and strange dreams after his girlfriend Katherine talks to him about getting married. The story of the game takes another unusual turn when Vincent meets a girl named Catherine and an affair starts up between the two. After the Affair with Catherine, Vincent begins to have more distorted and strange dreams that totally turn his life upside down. In the main story mode of the game, Catherine offers Golden Playhouse mode that allows the player to spend the day with his friends and in the night time deal with Katherine and Catherine problem. Vincent spends most of his time in a bar named as Stray Sheep where he keeps in contact with both of the girls via Text Messages, talks to other bar customers, Drinks and plays mini games etc. Your task in the game is to control the character of Vincent and help him get out of the most complex and unusual situations and keep on enjoying the game. With a number of game endings, unique puzzle-platform and dating elements, addictive gameplay and a great story, Catherine is one amazing game to play and enjoy.