Age of Empires 3: Complete Collection
Age of Empires 3: Complete Collection is an amazingly unforgettable experience of City Building, Management and MMO-RTS elements. With a big name in the respective genre, Age of Empires 3: Complete Collection offers a collection of Microsoft’s Ground breaking masterpieces and combines them into one amazing package. This monumental game-pack allows you to play and enjoy all three Age of Empires games and experience new enhancements, mechanics and game-plays along with beautifully created visuals and all the great stuff you are familiar with. As usual you’ll have to Command over the Mighty European Superpowers in order to explore, build and strategically enhance your democratic and trade relations, and to develop the mighty empires of the time. Great unbeatable defenses, mighty armies, huge battles, conquering the worlds, mining for resources, technological advancements, trade and diplomatic relations, the ability to rule over one of the most epic and massive settlements ever, Age of Empires 3: Complete Collection is a combination of all the great things that you want to see in a game like this. For a more than amazing MMO-RTS experience, do try it out.
#1 Towns
Towns is a great Isometric City-Building and Management MMO-RTS simulation that offers a beautiful sandbox style theme. The game leaves you in a partially build piece of land and allows you to manipulate the land as you like it, explore, gather up resources and build structures you want. At the beginning, Towns allows you to choose biomes (Grass, Desert, Snow or Land) process your selected biomes with their own qualities, grow crops or clean the land and wildlife, build homes, farms and other structures by using the resources and eventually build a whole new civilization and help your people thrive in a very friendly environment. With the help of 11 villagers, you must perform the necessary tasks, settle them up in homes and grow the population, befriend neighboring settlements and grow economically, start trade and grow your nation and enjoy playing this marvelous game. Towns as compared to a lot of other titles of the similar nature, is one of the best simulation to enjoy. Try it out and you’ll love it for sure.
#2 Tropico 5
Tropico 5 is a marvelous new MMO-RTS, City-Building, Management Simulation that offers gameplay a lot similar to its predecessors and Anno series games. With a unique Co-op Multiplayer (4-Player) feature, Tropico 5 lets you build whole cities on different islands and allows you to work with or against each other. The main task in the game is to manage your cities and take your settlement to the Colonial Era, witness World Wars, Cold War and finally reach to the modern era, embrace technological advancements and thrive in an advanced society. You can also be one of the super powers of the time by simply working hard, write the constitution and decide the independence of your cities or countries and by waging wars against your enemies and defeating them. With all the wonderful building and management options, great visuals, and an addictive game-play, Tropico 5 is a brilliant Simulation to spend your precious time on. Do try it out for a beautiful MMO, RTS, management and City-building experience.
#3 The Settlers
The settlers, developed by Ubisoft Blue Bite and published by Ubisoft back in 1993, is a Real Time Strategy (RTS) video game series. The series comprises of total eight main games in the series including the remakes and the recent game was made available in the markets in late 2012. The whole game series features Real Time Strategy game-play in which the player builds a civilization, gathers resources, unlocks new buildings and wages wars against the enemies. The Settlers offers a unique RTS gaming experience along with a community of players all around the world. Players can communicate, make alliances and attack the enemies from different locations and conquer their lands. With all the fancies provided, The Settlers is available to play on numerous gaming platforms as Amiga, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac OS X, Nintendo DS, iOS and Android.
#4 Company of Heroes 2
Company of Heroes 2 is a popular RTS game that offers an amazingly addictive and quite immersive game-play similar to the popular Supreme Commander video game. This sequel to the original Company of Heroes lacks the allies feature and instead it takes you to the eastern frontiers in order to battle against the enemies and experience an extremely action-packed game-play ever. As usual the game sets you up into the character of a commander/lieutenant and allows you to focus on building your own base, gather up resources, and build immense man power by building and training troop units, and finally embarking on amazing journeys that will eventually lead you to huge battles against the enemies. Your task is to simply conquer the enemy bases, outposts etc. in order to eliminate the threat and to expand your reign. Every outpost and base capture awards you with points that you can use to buy more upgrades and stuff. Building, defending and occupying enemy territories are the main parts of the core game-play, so the more you are tactically strong, the more chances of success you get. The unique combat system allows you to use your amazing militaristic approach to cater with the armies, use heavy machinery, artillery, military grade vehicles and stuff to defeat your enemies and enjoy an amazing gaming experience.
#5 Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth
Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth by Firaxis Games is another cool video that offers a gameplay slightly similar to the popular StartCraft series games. The game provides with an amazing Turn-based Strategy and 4X game-play in which you with all the human populace are destined to travel through space and find a suitable new habitat. The event of The Great Mistake left no choice but to leave Earth and that resulted in a years long exploration, wars between countless alien races and a lot of amazing stuff. Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth lets you experience and amazing Strategy and combat filled game-play with a unique and wonderfully written story, great visuals and lots and lots of other cool things.
#6 Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth: Rising Tide
Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth: Rising Tide is a Downloadable Content Pack for the Turn-based Strategy and 4X video game Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth. The expansion pack introduces new features such as water gameplay, revamped diplomacy system, hybrid affinities, and exploration system. It supports both Single and Multiplayer modes developed by Firaxis Games and published by 2K Games. The game features several dimensions to aquatic gameplay. Unlike previous titles, aquatic-based cities can be moved. The player can take on the role of the protagonist and the primary task is to create units to defend his empire and make strategies to take down enemies. The player can explore the environment from isometric view and can create his army to face off enemies. In the beginning, the player needs to colonize the ocean by creating floating settlements and harvesting resources. Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth: Rising Tide offers prominent features such as Colonize the Ocean, Dynamic Leader Traits, Four new Factions, New Artifact System and more. Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth: Rising Tide is the brilliant game to play and enjoy.
#7 Cities: Skylines
Cities: Skylines is a wonderful City Building, Management and massively Multiplayer online Real-Time Strategy Simulation packed with new and improved gameplay mechanics and elements and it tends to entertain you with all the provided thrill and hardships of creating and managing a whole city. The game basically assesses your abilities of being a good Manager, Builder, Crafter, etc. all at once and throws various hardcore challenges at yourself to improve your abilities and ultimately be a great Building and Management Mogul, rule the businesses and, build and create new technologies and take it to a whole new level of entertainment. With awesome visual details, great game-play options, addictive nature, a lot to build and manage and Strategically grow your Economics, Relations and defenses, Cities: Skyline is a great City-building, Management, MMO, RTS simulation to enjoy. Try it out if you really want to enjoy an amazing experience of all the beautiful combination of various elements, you’ll love it for sure.
#8 Spacebase DF-9
Spacebase DF-9 is a great City-Building, management and MMO-RTS Simulation that takes you to an amazing space journey. This wonderful Construction, Development, Real-Time Strategy and management game allows you to maintain your own space station with all the resources you have. With a beautiful space theme, Spacebase DF-9 lets you hire workers for different jobs, build new structures, generate and manage your resources, accommodate your people and eventually grow your space station to other parts of the galaxy. The main task is to find specific points in the galaxy, send explorers, scientists, and workers, settle a small group of people on the discovered area, help them grow by completing different tasks and conquer the worlds. Construction is one of the main objectives of Spacebase DF-9, so you must build structures, defend them against the enemies (Aliens) and keep your people alive by using all the available tactics, strategies and ways possible. This interesting amalgamation of Construction, management MMO and Strategy elements will definitely allow you to have hours of plain entertainment and fun.